PhD positions(Computer Sciences, Economics, & Politics), IMT Lucca, Italy
Posted On Friday, September 19, 2008 at at 10:36 PM by scholarship-sourceCompetitions for admission are open in the following PhD Programs at IMT:
Computer Science and Engineering
Theories developed within computer science have been, and still are,
remarkably relevant not only for developing devices and tools which
are commonly used in today society, but also for facing new
theoretical problems of wide perspective. In particular, the study of
models, algorithms and verification methods of distributed systems
with shared resources, with attention to the problems of security,
concurrency, real time, "open endness", distributed decisions, etc.
has fostered the development of the informatics of the new wide area
networks. Students acquire extensive knowledge of the fundamentals and
applications of architectures and languages for global and grid
computing, web systems and services, in particular for business
applications, embedded systems, web data mining, wired and wireless
networks, and mobile systems. In addition to offering broad scope for
basic research, these domains define a professional area where all the
needs of computer applications on wide are networks can find their
Economics, Markets, Institutions
With its interdisciplinary (theoretical, quantitative and
institutional) approach, the program aims at dealing with issues in
political economy, applied public economics, and the functioning of
industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomic impact on the
functioning of markets, as well as on productivity and growth.
A distinctive character of the PhD program is the strong integration
of theoretical, technical and practical expertise, aimed to educate
highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete
interventions of political economy.
Theoretical methodologies and models will therefore tested through the
methodical/systemat ic investigation of actual cases. At the end of the
program, students will be able to catch commonalities as well as
distinctive characters of the several markets, in reference to
economic laws, market regulations, contractual, managing and
organizational solutions.
Political Systems and Institutional Change
The PhD Program aims to make students familiar with analytical tools
and methodologies of investigation elaborated within different
contemporary traditions in social sciences, thereby providing the
theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to both evaluate
comparatively the performance of institutional systems, and elaborate
proposals for structural reforms. The courses will especially focus on
the historical, political, institutional and economic dynamics that
have been characterising the development of European and ex Soviet
countries after the Second Word War. They will then consider among
other topics: the institutional and decisional dynamics of European
countries and the European Union including the trends towards
multilevel governance both at the European and at the domestic level
(federalisation, independent regulatory authorities, etc.);
transatlantic relations EU-US; relations between politics, social
processes and political economy decisions; paths of economic and
political development; the institutional workings of international
organisations; the characters of some geographical areas of special
Duration: 3 years
Language: Courses and seminars are held in English. Foreign PhD
students are required to attend an Italian Language and Culture Course.
Classes begin in March 2009.
Tuition Exemptions :PhD students are exempt from tuition and fees.
Annual Scholarship: Annual scholarship amount is +/- 13.638,00 Euros
gross, corresponding to +/- 2.270,00 Euros gross paid every two
months. Scholarships are awarded for three years and are confirmed yearly.
Scholarships benefit from tax breaks.
One scholarship for each PhD Program is co-financed by European Union
– European Social Fund; Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute e delle
Politiche Sociali; Regione Toscana and IMT.
The deadline for applications is December 5, 2008 at 6:00pm (Italian
website link:
http://www.imtlucca .it/phd_programs /call_for_ applications/ index.php
RMIT University Australia, International Research Scholarship 2009
Posted On Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at at 12:45 AM by scholarship-sourceApplications for the 2009 scholarships will open on Monday 15 September
2008. The closing date for applications is Friday 31st October 2008.
RMIT University is committed to world-class research that is practical,
applied and valuable. The University is committed to attracting top
research students into its key areas of expertise. Priority for
scholarships will be given to students conducting their research in one
of these identified RMIT research concentration areas.
RUIRS 2009 awards are awarded to international postgraduate research students with excellent academic performance.
Important: All applicants wishing to apply for an RMIT University
International Research Scholarship 2009 must have received an offer
letter for an RMIT postgraduate by research program. To apply for
admission into a program please visit au/international /apply
RMIT University International Research Scholarships (RUIRS) will be awarded to:
new international postgraduate research students, intending to enrol in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2009
Applicants must possess excellent academic results.
Applicants who are citizens of all overseas countries, except New Zealand are eligible.
Applicants must be commencing full-time enrolment in a Higher Degree by
Research (HDR) program in Australia in 2009 at RMIT University. The
approved program duration is two years for a Masters by Research degree
or three years for a Doctorate by Research degree.
RUIRS 2009 awardees must commence their studies in Australia in 2009
at RMIT University by 30th August 2009. The RUIRS 2009 award cannot be
deferred to another year. If a candidate is unable to take up a RUIRS
award, the candidate must apply again for the award in the following
Applicants must have received a Firm Offer or Conditional Offer of a
place for entry in a Higher Degree Research (HDR) program at RMIT
University, to commence in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2009. The offers
must be granted no later than 31st October 2008.
Sponsorship/ Scholarship history
Applicants who are applying for or have received external funding for
tuition and/or living allowance are eligible to apply. The allocation
of the tuition fee and living allowance for RUIRS 2009 is at the
discretion of RMIT University and will be determined by the value of
external allowances. Please provide details of the sponsorship
arrangement and evidence of the funding and duration. RMIT University
must receive the evidence by the closing date, 31st October 2008.
English language requirements
Applicants must provide evidence of English language proficiency prior to 31st October 2008.
As a guide, RMIT University requires the following English language requirements for entry into research programs:
* IELTS - 6.5+ (no band less than 6.0)
* TOEFL – Paper based = 580+ (TWE4.5+)
* TOEFL – Computer based = 237+ (TWE4.5+)
* REW – English for Academic Purposes Advanced 2
The IELTS/TOEFL/ RMIT English test result must be current or have
been taken no more than 2 years before the commencement of the research program.
Note: Some programs have higher English language requirements
The following students cannot apply for the RUIRS 2009 award:
Currently enrolled RMIT University students in a Research Masters Program or Doctoral Program.
Value of RUIRS 2009 Award
RMIT University will provide:
* The annual tuition fees in a Higher Degree by Research (HDR)
program undertaken at RMIT University, in a program included on the
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
(CRICOS) for the standard duration of the program.
* The cost of a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy
approved by the Commonwealth Government Department of Health and Ageing
and which covers the student and dependants for the period of the RUIRS
2009 award.
* A living allowance for successful candidates of the RUIRS 2009 for
the standard duration of the program. As a guide, RMIT University
recipients of the RUIRS 2008 were awarded a living allowance of
approximately AUD$19,000 per annum for the standard duration of the
program – two years for a Masters by Research degree or three years for
a Doctorate by Research degree.
The RUIRS award does not provide for travel, medical costs
associated with the issue or renewal of a student visa, thesis
expenses, cost of English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas
Students (ELICOS), or costs associated with overseas fieldwork.
Selection Criteria
Students must be undertaking study in a subject area identified by RMIT
University as one of its areas of research concentration. RMIT
University has identified the following as their research
concentrations for 2009.
Science, Engineering and Technology Portfolio
* Advanced Industrial Informatics
* System Modeling & Optimization
* Microplatforms
* Advanced Materials
* Traditional & Complementary Medicine
* Metabolic Diseases
* Biomedical Electronics
* Interfaces Soft Condensed Matter & Nano Structures
* Environmental Change
* Aero, Auto Design
* Geospatial Science
* Biotech
Business Portfolio
* Accountability, Governance and Regulation of Business Organisations
* Economics; Finance; Marketing
* Systems, Models, Management and Technology for the Digital World
* Creation and Design, Performance, Governance and Sustainability of Organisations
* Logistics and Supply Chain Systems and Management
Design and Social Context
* Urban Sustainability
* Globalisation
* Design in the Built Environment
* Visual Arts and Media
* Teaching and Learning
Duration of The RUIRS 2009 Award
The RUIRS 2009 award will cover the normal duration of the program from
the time the student commences the HDR degree at RMIT University. The
normal duration of an RUIRS is three years for Research Doctorate
degrees and two years for Research Masters degrees.
The duration of an RUIRS will be reduced in the following situations:
* During suspension of the RUIRS award.
* If a student is transferring from another institution.
If an RUIRS awardee transfers to another institution, the funding for the RUIRS award will cease.
How to apply
Applications for the 2009 scholarships will open on Monday 15th September 2008.
Closing date: Complete submissions must be received by 5.00 pm Eastern Standard Time, Friday 31st October 2008. Late applications or late submission of documentation will NOT be considered.
Applicants wishing to be considered for a RUIRS 2009 award must
apply online here. (Please note the online application facility will
not be available until Monday 15th September).
The following documents must be submitted (these can be uploaded
through the online application form or sent directly to our office –
see Contact)
* A copy of your offer letter from RMIT University
* Two Academic Referee Reports (Faxed and emailed copies of Academic
Referee Reports will not be accepted) Please download the Academic
Referee Report Form here.
* Official certified copies of all academic transcripts, including a
university explanation of the grading system. Copies should be provided
in both English and the original language (where applicable)
* Certified copy of graduation certificate
* Evidence of English language proficiency
* Research proposal outlining the objective, methodology and expected outcomes (no less than 200 words)
* Statement indicating why you wish to undertake this research
* Resume (Curriculum Vitae)
* Evidence of your employment history on company letterhead (if applicable)
* Copy of any relevant publications, unpublished thesis or essays you have completed (if applicable)
* Letter from scholarship provider (if applicable)
For all correspondence on the above please contact:
International Scholarships Office
International and Development Portfolio
RMIT University
Building 108, Level 4, 239 Bourke Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
Tel: (+61 3) 9925 5135
Fax: (+61 3) 9663 6925
Email: ISscholarships[ at ]
Via: official announcement
PhD in Linguistics The University of Verona
Posted On at at 12:44 AM by scholarship-sourceThe University of Verona offers the following three scholarships to pursue a PhD
in Linguistics:
- one scholarship open to all applicants, either Italian or foreign, but
thematically restricted: the successful candidate will work on a co-tutored
project titled 'The interpretative correlates of reflexivization in the
languages of Europe and India', in collaboration with the University of Utrecht,
Netherlands (cf. below);
- one scholarship restricted to foreign applicants, but thematically open within
the areas of competence of the Verona PhD teaching staff;
- one scholarship open to all applicants, Italian or foreign, and thematically
For all three scholarships, the following dates and conditions apply:
Duration: from 1st January 2009 to 31st December 2011
Scholarship amount: circa ? 1,000 /month after taxes, with some increments for
periods abroad
Languages: a knowledge of Italian, as well as English, is an advantage
Application: 1st August 2008 to 15th September 2008
Admission exams: 9th - 10th October 2008; the exam can take place in Italian or
English; for the written examination only, foreign candidates may use also
French, German, or Spanish
In addition to these three funded positions, two unfunded ones are also available.
For further administrative information on selection criteria and how to apply,
contact dottorati.ricerca@, and consult the official advertisment at
http://www.univr. it/main?ent= catdoc&id= 886&idDest= 2&sServ=68& serv=65&ssServ= 127
For further academic information, contact camilla.bettoni@, coordinator
of the PhD program at Verona.
International Project Verona (Italy) - Utrecht (Netherlands)
Project Title: The interpretive correlates of reflexivization in the languages
of Europe and India Partner Institutions: Università di Verona and Universiteit
Degree title: doctoral degree from one or both Universities, and a "Doctor
Europaeus" certification.
Verona research staff: Denis Delfitto, Giorgio Graffi, and others
Utrecht research staff: Martin Everaert, Eric Reuland, and others
Duration: 3 years, with a total of 18 months in Verona and 18 in Utrecht
Project Description
This project offers joint supervision by Verona and Utrecht researchers, and
will be carried out by the Italian or foreign candidate with the best
qualitative requirements. This project participates in two projects currently
undertaken at The Utrecht Institute of Linguistics on the reflexivization
processes occurring in natural languages, studied at both the
typological/ descriptive and the theoretical/ explanatory levels:
- a first project (coordinated by E. Reuland) aiming at the decomposition of
linguistic universals regarding reflexivization phenomena, so as to make them
more plausible in cognitive and evolutionary terms. This project will use the
electronic infrastructure available from the "Typological Database Project"
coordinated by A. Dimitriadis, who is building a data-base on reflexivization
with M. Everaert. At Verona, researchers include D. Delfitto, G. Graffi and P.
- a second project on Indian languages, aiming at an accurate description of
their reflexivization phenomena, coordinated by M. Everaert, and conducted in
collaboration with K.V. Subbarao from Delhi University.
The present Verona-Utrecht project will deal with the interpretative aspects of
reflexivization. First, the available data-base will allow to identify
constructions expressing an interpretation similar to that expressed in many
European languages by reflexive or reciprocal pronouns, or by equivalent
markers. Then, the task will be to find out which other interpretations may be
expressed by these constructions in the given language(s).
Application Deadline: 15-Sep-2008
Web Address for Applications: http://www.univr. it/main?ent= catdoc&id= 886&idDest= 2&sServ=68& serv=65&ssServ= 127&lang= en#1258
Contact Information:
Prof. Camilla Bettoni
PhD scholarships in the areas of IT Security, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Posted On at at 12:43 AM by scholarship-sourceScholarship
The Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (CASED) at the
Technische Universität Darmstadt has
21 openings for its PhD scholarship program in the areas of IT Security
starting immediately.
CASED is an IT Security research center currently being established at
Technische Universität Darmstadt in cooperation with the Fraunhofer
Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT) and the University
of Applied Sciences Darmstadt (h_da). CASED will constitute a research
infrastructure for forefront IT Security research.
CASED hosts a 3 year doctoral program for outstanding students holding
a Master's degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) in Computer
Science, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering or related
This prestigious program offers scholarships to exceptional students
who have the potential to make outstanding contributions to science in
the following areas of IT Security: security of data (cryptography,
including post quantum cryptography) , security of services (SOA etc.),
security of things (embedded systems etc.).
A total of 21 scholarships (each 1,468 Euro per month) are available.
You can find more information about CASED, research topics, thesis
advisors, and formalities concerning your application on our website
CASED will have a significantly higher proportion of female scientists
compared to the average German research institutions and encourages
applications of female postgraduate students. Five openings (sponsored
by Horst Görtz Stiftung) are reserved for women only.
Applicants are kindly requested to send their applications by E-Mail
to advisory_board_ of_study_ affairs@casedweb .de
Applications must include
* a letter of application,
* the names of two references (who will provide letters of
recommendation) ,
* a CV,
* a statement of motivation,
* and academic transcripts.
Applications that lack one or more of these might not be taken into
consideration. Candidates will be considered until all positions are
website link:
http://www.cased. de/job_offers. html
PhD student in biomedical sciences
Posted On at at 12:41 AM by scholarship-sourcePhD student in biomedical sciences (2x2 years) ‘Autoimmunity’: Biomarker research in Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
(mandate MBW/2008/021-HO)
The Biomedical Research Institute ( is a multidisciplinary research institute of the Hasselt University. 70 researchers and technical personnel perform molecular and cellular biomedical research. The research is focused on two main research domains: neuroinflammation and development of biosensors (in cooperation with the Institute for Material Research (IMO)).
Job description
The successful applicant will be involved in a research project entitled ‘New diagnostic and prognostic antibody biomarkers for multiple sclerosis (MS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA)’ of the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED) at Hasselt University. This project is aimed at identifying a panel of new molecular target antigens combined with existing target antigens selected on MS with diagnostic and prognostic potency by using technological platforms that allow for profiling the antibody reactivity to tissue antigens in these diseases. The first goal is aimed at identifying new serum markers for MS and RA by a systematic profiling of the humoral immune response using the powerful molecular SAS technology. A second goal is aimed at studying the functional relevance of the existing selected MS markers and new MS and RA serum markers in relation to disease by studying their expression in diseased tissue and by studying T cell reactivity to these antigens. A third goal is aimed at developing a high throughput and label free screening platform using phages expressing autoantigens or derived peptide fragments to efficiently validate candidate markers in a large number of patients. The candidate will work on the third goal of the project.
Profile and diploma
The applicant should hold a master degree in biomedical sciences, bioengineering, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, medicine, chemistry, or equal). Students in their last master year can also apply.
Further information
Content job responsibilities:
prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32-11-26 92 04,
prof. dr. Veerle Somers, +32-11-26 92 02,
prof. dr. Luc Michiels, +32-11-26 92 31,
fax +32 11 26 92 09, website:
Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
Applicants must use the official application forms
which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than October 8th, 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:
PhD Sensor technology
Posted On at at 12:38 AM by scholarship-sourceIn the Institute for Materials Research (IMO) of Hasselt University, the following position (m/f) is available:
PhD Sensor technology (2x2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/016-HO)
Job description
The PhD student will conduct scientific research within the framework of development of sensor platforms for electronic characterisation of DNA mutations and related problems. More specifically, sensor arrays will be developed based on impedimetric and isocap-based sensor concepts. An important issue is the analysis of electric field and band structure effects at the interface between aqueous phases, molecular layers and semiconductor surfaces. Furhermore, attention will be focussed on the optimisation of the performance of the sensor arrays.
Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, applied sciences, electronics, physical chemistry, nano- and microtechnology or materials science.
The appointment has a duration of 2x2 years (assessment after 2 years).
Further information
Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Ward De Ceuninck, tel. +32-11-26 88 72,
Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner, tel. +32–11-26 88 95,
Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger (IMO), +32–11–26 88 15,
Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
Applicants must use the official application forms
which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, October 8th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:
PhD Student (2 x 2 years) Molecular Electronics
Posted On Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at at 4:04 AM by scholarship-sourceWithin the Institute for Materials Research (IMO) of Hasselt University, the following position (m/f) is available::
PhD Student (2 x 2 years) Molecular Electronics
(mandate WNI/2008/013-HO)
Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the Methusalem project “Nano” in the field of carbon nanotubes which offer a high potential to be used as building blocks in future “Molecular Electronics” applications. The successful candidate will focus on the preparation of ordered arrays of size-selected metal nanoparticles (elements, alloys) taking advantage of the self-organization of macromolecules into micellar structures, and their application as catalysts for the controlled growth of carbon nanotubes. The candidate will work with state-of-the-art characterization tools in a multidisciplinary environment including national and international collaborations with other research groups.
Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry, or Advanced Materials Science Thorough knowledge of the English language is required.
Further information
Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Hans-Gerd Boyen,
+32–11-26 88 91
Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner,
+32–11-26 89 00
Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger,
+32-11-26 88 99
Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden,
011-26 80 80
Applicants must use the official application forms
which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone
+32 - 11 - 26 80 03
or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, October 8th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: