VLIR Scholarship in Training Programmes (ITP)

VLIR Scholarship in Training Programmes (ITP)

Every year, with the support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC), VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to students from developing countries to study one of the 15 International Course Programmes (ICPs) or one of the 6 International Training Programmes (ITPs). The ICPs and ITPs target people from the South with a responsible position in civil society (at a university, school, NGO, ministry, etc).

Each year there are a maximum of 180 scholarships available for first-year ICP students and a maximum of 70 scholarships for ITP participants.

ITPs are short-term training programmes whose main focus is transferring skills rather than knowledge. The International Training Programmes are designed for people from developing countries with a certain degree of professional experience.

The ITPs aim at transferring knowledge and skills, and create the possibility for cooperation and networking.

International Training Programmes 2009

* AudioVisual Learning Materials (AVLM) – Production and Management
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

This two-month intensive training addresses all aspects of developing audiovisual learning materials (from idea to final product), and managing the production process in an educational context.

* Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation
Universiteit Gent

This four-month intensive training addresses all aspects needed to develop beekeeping into a powerful factor of rural development.

* Governing for Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Development Actors under the New Aid Approach
Universiteit Antwerpen

This programme traces the evolution in the thinking on aid, provides a critical analysis of the underlying assumptions of the new aid approach, provides a comprehensive overview of the governance reform challenges in recipient countries and helps to understand the managerial and political challenges of reform oriented aid.

* International Training Programme in Food Safety, Quality Assurance Systems and Risk Analysis
Universiteit Gent

This programme addresses all aspects related to food safety: microbiological, chemical and physical dangers are discussed including their control in the whole agro-food chain and this based on national and international legislation, Codex Alimentarius, implementation of quality assurance systems such as Pre Requisite Programmes, HACCP and (international) commercial requested systems (ISO 22000, Global Gap,...). Also the risk analysis, as basis for taking policy decisions in the context of food safety, is extensively treated.

* Political Economy of the Great Lakes: Towards inclusive Development
Universiteit Antwerpen

This programme provides deeper insights in the importance of political economy dynamics to better understand the intricacies of the peace and reconstruction efforts in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.

* Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries: an Active Training Environment 9 (Stimulate 9)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

This programme offers a stimulating learning environment to information experts in the area of science and technology, who are in the early phase of their career.

More info:http://www.scholarships.vliruos.be

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