5 PhDs System Biology at MDC Berlin, Germany
Posted On Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at at 2:57 PM by scholarship-source5 PhD student positions are open for the new BIMSB groups in the fields of
system biology such as RNA biology, genetic variation, genome wide analysis
of expression, transcription and translation, proteomics and computational
analysis of data, software development and mathematical modelling of
biological processes.
Further Information<http://www.mdc- berlin.de/ de/jobs/10049_ phd_students/ index.html>
Abount MDC
Located in the northeast corner of Berlin, the Max Delbrück Center for
Molecular Medicine (MDC) Berlin-Buch combines basic research in molecular
biology and genetics with clinical research so that the latest medical
discoveries can be brought to the bedside as quickly as possible. For this
reason the scientists of the MDC collaborate closely with clinicians of two
clinics in its vicinity, which are part of the Charité, Universitätsmedizin
Berlin/Helios Klinikum Berlin - namely, with the Robert Rössle Cancer Clinic
(RRK) and the Franz Volhard Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases (FVK) in
Berlin-Buch. The links between the MDC and these Berlin-Buch clinics are
many and varied: Clinicians head research groups at the MDC, MDC researchers
and clinicians pursue mutual research projects and the MDC supports research
in the clinics in many ways including offering young clinicians a special
training program in basic research.
Molecular Medicine
Molecular medicine focuses on the role of genes and gene products (proteins)
to better understand, treat or prevent severe diseases. The most important
biological molecule is the hereditary material, DNA. According to the latest
research results, the DNA in the nucleus of a human cell contains
approximately 30,000 - 40,000 genes. They encode information critical for
the cell's survival and function.
Based on this research, MDC scientists and clinicians jointly aim at
developing new methods for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of
cancer, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases. They work with modern
molecular biological methods within all research programs of the MDC. These
areas of research are:
- Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases
- Cancer Research
- Function and Dysfunction of the nervous system
The MDC also collaborates with the university clinic Benjamin Franklin in
Berlin Steglitz, Max Planck Institutes and other scientific institutions in
Germany and abroad. It also closely works together with the "
Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie ( FMP)" on the Campus.