PhD student Radiology Medical Centre Nijmegen
Posted On Friday, August 15, 2008 at at 5:12 PM by scholarship-source Nijmegen, 6500 HB, (Gelderland), 36 hours per week University Medical Centre Nijmegen | ![]() |
Job description
The PhD student carries out the research project, aiming to identify non-invasive biomarkers to image aggressiveness of prostate cancer by Magnetic Resonance.
•Publishes the results in scientific journals
•Accomplishes a PhD thesis
•Publishes the results in scientific journals
•Accomplishes a PhD thesis
University Graduate
A masters degree in (bio-) physics, chemistry, technical medicine, molecular sciences or a comparable training.
•Strong interest in or experience with MR
•An independent and well-structured working style
•Well developed communicative and social skills
•Permitted to work with mice (Art. 9)
A masters degree in (bio-) physics, chemistry, technical medicine, molecular sciences or a comparable training.
•Strong interest in or experience with MR
•An independent and well-structured working style
•Well developed communicative and social skills
•Permitted to work with mice (Art. 9)
Additional information about the job:
08730 PhD student
PhD student Molecular and functional Magnetic Resonance of prostate cancer aggressiveness. Radboud University Nijmegen, Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Radiology:
Magnetic resonance (MR) is the major modality for non-invasive investigations of anatomy, physiology and metabolism in humans and animals. The development and application of novel MR methods for the diagnosis, disease prediction and treatment monitoring of human cancers is a main research focus at our department. We are one of the leading groups in MR of prostate cancer, with many years of experience in this field. This research is integrated with clinical examinations and other investigations of prostate tissue to find the best solution for (bio-) medical questions. Our cancer research is translational: to support human studies with new perspectives and understanding, parallel MR investigations are performed in animal models. The MR research group is composed of senior researchers, PhD students and technical staff with clinical, biological, bio-chemical, –physical, -engineering and technical background. We collaborate intensively with the departments of urology, pathology, radiotherapy, and nuclear medicine, and with many groups at national and international level (e.g. in EU and US).
Research facilities:
The Radboud University has the most extensive MR research equipment in the Netherlands. For biomedical applications various systems are available for imaging and spectroscopic purposes including 2 human 3T whole body MR systems and a human 7T whole body MR. High-resolution NMR machines up to 20 T are available at the science faculty. Pre-clinical MR equipment (7 and 11.7 Tesla) is installed in a dedicated animal imaging laboratory together with PET/CT and optical devices.
Job profile:
Prostate cancer is the most important cancer in man. As only aggressive cancers are life threatening it is crucial to identify these cases among the majority of indolent cancers, to select the best therapy. However, no proper biomarkers to image cancer aggressiveness have been established yet. Therefore the aim of this project is to identify non-invasive biomarkers to image aggressiveness of prostate cancer by Magnetic Resonance. Several novel ideas to identify functional biomarkers for MR imaging will be explored. The project is part of a larger research program "Exploring the clinical value of novel high resolution anatomic and molecular / functional MR imaging in prostate cancer" supported by the Dutch Cancer Society, which includes several other subprograms focusing on detection, localization and staging of prostate cancer. The candidate is expected to work in close collaboration with the clinical and basic science researchers in the other sub projects. You will perform molecular and functional imaging on prostate in humans with MR and analysis of the results in the context of other findings. The project may include complementary animal or ex vivo tissue research. Part of the actual work will consist of the development and implementation of quantitative MR methods, dedicated to the specific research questions, both on human 3T and 7T whole body MR systems. You are expected to participate actively in these developments under supervision of senior researchers. For this purpose you will learn the physics of spin system manipulation in living species and additionally relevant prostate physiology and metabolism. At the end of the project you will write a PhD thesis.
Requirements, position and salary:
We are looking for enthusiastic candidates with a Masters-degree in (bio-) physics, chemistry, technical medicine, molecular sciences or a comparable training. The multi-disciplinary character of the project requires a broad interest and good communication skills. Strong interest in or experience with MR is appreciated. We offer a fulltime job for a period of 4 years. Salary according to the collective agreement (CAO) of Dutch universities, scale 10A.
Contact Info:
Prof. dr. Arend Heerschap (Radiology department), phone +31-24-3614795 (or +31-24-3614545), e-mail or dr. Tom Scheenen (+31-24 3613157 ) and prof. dr. Jelle O. Barentsz (+31-24 3617133)
08730 PhD student
PhD student Molecular and functional Magnetic Resonance of prostate cancer aggressiveness. Radboud University Nijmegen, Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Radiology:
Magnetic resonance (MR) is the major modality for non-invasive investigations of anatomy, physiology and metabolism in humans and animals. The development and application of novel MR methods for the diagnosis, disease prediction and treatment monitoring of human cancers is a main research focus at our department. We are one of the leading groups in MR of prostate cancer, with many years of experience in this field. This research is integrated with clinical examinations and other investigations of prostate tissue to find the best solution for (bio-) medical questions. Our cancer research is translational: to support human studies with new perspectives and understanding, parallel MR investigations are performed in animal models. The MR research group is composed of senior researchers, PhD students and technical staff with clinical, biological, bio-chemical, –physical, -engineering and technical background. We collaborate intensively with the departments of urology, pathology, radiotherapy, and nuclear medicine, and with many groups at national and international level (e.g. in EU and US).
Research facilities:
The Radboud University has the most extensive MR research equipment in the Netherlands. For biomedical applications various systems are available for imaging and spectroscopic purposes including 2 human 3T whole body MR systems and a human 7T whole body MR. High-resolution NMR machines up to 20 T are available at the science faculty. Pre-clinical MR equipment (7 and 11.7 Tesla) is installed in a dedicated animal imaging laboratory together with PET/CT and optical devices.
Job profile:
Prostate cancer is the most important cancer in man. As only aggressive cancers are life threatening it is crucial to identify these cases among the majority of indolent cancers, to select the best therapy. However, no proper biomarkers to image cancer aggressiveness have been established yet. Therefore the aim of this project is to identify non-invasive biomarkers to image aggressiveness of prostate cancer by Magnetic Resonance. Several novel ideas to identify functional biomarkers for MR imaging will be explored. The project is part of a larger research program "Exploring the clinical value of novel high resolution anatomic and molecular / functional MR imaging in prostate cancer" supported by the Dutch Cancer Society, which includes several other subprograms focusing on detection, localization and staging of prostate cancer. The candidate is expected to work in close collaboration with the clinical and basic science researchers in the other sub projects. You will perform molecular and functional imaging on prostate in humans with MR and analysis of the results in the context of other findings. The project may include complementary animal or ex vivo tissue research. Part of the actual work will consist of the development and implementation of quantitative MR methods, dedicated to the specific research questions, both on human 3T and 7T whole body MR systems. You are expected to participate actively in these developments under supervision of senior researchers. For this purpose you will learn the physics of spin system manipulation in living species and additionally relevant prostate physiology and metabolism. At the end of the project you will write a PhD thesis.
Requirements, position and salary:
We are looking for enthusiastic candidates with a Masters-degree in (bio-) physics, chemistry, technical medicine, molecular sciences or a comparable training. The multi-disciplinary character of the project requires a broad interest and good communication skills. Strong interest in or experience with MR is appreciated. We offer a fulltime job for a period of 4 years. Salary according to the collective agreement (CAO) of Dutch universities, scale 10A.
Contact Info:
Prof. dr. Arend Heerschap (Radiology department), phone +31-24-3614795 (or +31-24-3614545), e-mail or dr. Tom Scheenen (+31-24 3613157 ) and prof. dr. Jelle O. Barentsz (+31-24 3617133)
University Medical Centre Nijmegen Radiologie
Magnetic resonance (MR) is the major modality for non-invasive research of anatomy, physiology and metabolism in humans and animals. The development and application of novel MR methods for the diagnosis, disease prediction and treatment monitoring of human cancers is a main research focus at our department. The radiology department is one of the leading groups in MR of prostate cancer, with many years of experience in this field.
Conditions of employment
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 36
Duration of the contract: 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 36
Additional conditions of employment:
•Salary level 10A: maximal € 2572 gross per month
•Salary level 10A: maximal € 2572 gross per month
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Prof. dr. Arend Heerschap, scientific researcher
Telephone number: (024) 3614795
Dr. Tom Scheenen, scientific reseacher
Telephone number: (024) 3613157
Telephone number: (024) 3614795
Dr. Tom Scheenen, scientific reseacher
Telephone number: (024) 3613157
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
You can apply for this job before 22-08-2008 by sending your application to:
UMC St Radboud227 COS
P. Claessen
Postbus 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen
E-mail address:
When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT 08730.